LP Conferences

General information

Linguistics and Phonetics (=LP) conferences were established as a biannual event by the Department of Linguistics, Charles University, Prague soon after the return of democracy to the Czech Republic

The aim:

The universal topics of language research are more accessible and transparent if they are subjected to scrutiny from the vantage point of various disciplines. The general topics have to be analysed from various positions.

The three LP Conferences were devoted to the explanation of the concepts item order where item is conceived as a cover term for the ordering of any potential language unit (overt or empty) relevant to message conveyed.

The general endeavour is not to limit the search of new properties of item order to specific methods. The contributions of scholars from various disciplines could help to discover hereto undetected and relevant properties of item order/

Timetable: The conferences are held in the summer period mostly in August or early September) every two years. Our ambition is to hold the conferences in odd years in Prague, in even years in a foreign venue.

Executive committee:

Bohumil Palek (Linguistics) - palek@ruk.cuni.cz
Osamu Fujimura ( Phonetics) - fujimura.1@osu.edu


Proceedings LP'2000

Proceedings of LP'98

Proceedings of LP'96

Proceedings of LP'94

Proceedings of LP'90