RNDr. Ond#ej Bojar, Ph.D. Narozen: 7. b#ezna 1979 v Praze E-mail, web: bojar@ufal.mff.cuni.cz; http://www.cuni.cz/"obo Dosa#en# vzd#l#n#: 2003-2008 doktorsk# studium MFF UK, obor Matematick# lingvistika diserta#n# pr#ce: Vyu#it# lingvistick#ch dat ve strojov#m p#ekladu 1997-2003 magistersk# studium MFF UK, obor Informatika, prosp#l s vyznamen#n#m diplomov# pr#ce: Automatick# extrakce lexik#ln#-syntaktick#ch #daj# z korpusu 1997-1999 soub##n# studium na Fakult# jadern# a fyzik#ln# in#en#rsk#, #VUT 1993-1997 gymn#zium Zborovsk#, Praha 5, maturita s vyznamen#n#m Odborn# praxe: od 2010 odborn# asistent na MFF UK od 2004 v#uka na MFF UK a FJFI #VUT (cvi#en#, veden# studentsk#ch prac#, vlastn# semin##) 2010 dvoum#s##n# pobyt na RWTH Aachen University, katedra informatiky I6 2006-2007 ro#n# studijn# pobyt na univerzit# v Melbourne, katedra informatiky (CSSE) ##ast na v#uce (cvi#en# ze zpracov#n# text# p#irozen#ho jazyka) l#to 2006 ##ast na #estit#denn#m workshopu na Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore podzim 2005 dvoum#s##n# studijn# pobyt na RWTH Aachen University, katedra informatiky I6 2000-2005 vedlej## pracovn# pom#r, pozice analytik ve spole#nosti Internet Info, s.r.o., http://www.iinfo.cz/, publikace odborn#ch studi# o Internetu 2003-2004 p#lro#n# studijn# a pracovn# pobyt na S#rsk# univerzit#, Saarbr#cken 1995-2003 v#uka pracovn#ch #innost# - po##ta## pro 8. a 9. ro#. Z# 1996-1999 zalo#en# a spr#va str#nek http://www.cestina.cz/ 1996-1997 spoluzakladatel a m#stop#edseda Klubu p##tel po##ta## Macintosh 1994-1997 publika#n# #innost v #asopise MacWorld (PC World) ##ast v projektech: od 2012 EU FP7 CSA MosesCore (Podpora pro p#ekladov# syst#m Moses) 2011-2013 GA#R: #e#tina ve v#ku strojov#ho p#ekladu 2010-2012 GA#R PGS: Hybridn# fr#zov# a hloubkov#-syntaktick# strojov# p#eklad 2009-2012 EU FP7 EuroMatrixPlus (Strojov# p#eklad evropsk#ch jazyk# u#ivatel#m) 2006-2009 EU FP6 EuroMatrix (Strojov# p#eklad mezi jazyky Evropsk# unie) od 2004 PCEDT (Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank) 2004-2005 VALLEX (Valen#n# slovn#k pro #e#tinu) 2003-2005 Strojov# p#eklad ekonomick#ch text# z #e#tiny do angli#tiny 2000-2002 softwarov# projekt Enti - Simul#tor p#irozen#ho prost#ed# lidsk#ho sv#ta http://ufal.mff.cuni.cz/"bojar/enti Dal## dovednosti a zku#enosti: o angli#tina (plynn#, Certificate in Advanced English), n#m#ina (plynn#, Zentrale Mittelstufenpr#- fung) o #idi#sk# opr#vn#n# B o programovac# jazyky Mercury, Perl, Prolog, SQL (aktivn#), C, C++, Java, PHP, C#, . . . (pasivn#) o bohat# program#torsk# zku#enosti v prost#ed# Unixu (a d##ve Mac OS a DOS) o bohat# program#torsk# zku#enosti v prost#ed# TCP/IP, Internetu 1 Vybran# publikace: Knihy Ond#ej Bojar, Silvie Cinkov#, Jan Haji#, Barbora Hladk#, Vladislav Kubo#, Ji## M#rovsk#, Jarmila Panevov#, Nino Peterek, Johanka Spoustov#, and Zden#k #abokrtsk#. 2012. The Czech Language in the Digital Age. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Germany. Ond#ej Bojar. 2012. #e#tina a strojov# p#eklad (Czech Language and Machine Translation), volume 11 of Studies in Computational and Theoretical Linguistics. #FAL, Praha, Czech Republic. Ond#ej Bojar. 2009. Exploiting Linguistic Data in Machine Translation, volume 3 of Studies in Computational and Theoretical Linguistics. #FAL, Prague, Czech Republic. Recenzovan# Ji## Mar##k and Ond#ej Bojar. 2012. TrTok: A Fast and Trainable Tokenizer for Natural Languages. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 98:75-85, September. Ond#ej Bojar and Dekai Wu. 2012. Towards a Predicate-Argument Evaluation for MT. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, pages 30-38, Jeju, Republic of Korea, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar, Zden#k #abokrtsk#, Ond#ej Du#ek, Petra Galu###kov#, Martin Majli#, David Mare#ek, Ji## Mar- ##k, Michal Nov#k, Martin Popel, and Ale# Tamchyna. 2012. The Joy of Parallelism with CzEng 1.0. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'12), pages 3921-3928, Istanbul, Turkey, May. ELRA, European Language Resources Association. Mark Fishel, Rico Sennrich, Maja Popovi'c, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2012. TerrorCat: a Translation Error Categorization-based MT Quality Metric. In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 64-70, Montr#al, Canada, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. Mark Fishel, Ond#ej Bojar, and Maja Popovi'c. 2012. Terra: a Collection of Translation Error-Annotated Corpora. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'12), pages 7-14, Istanbul, Turkey, May. ELRA, European Language Resources Association. Ale# Tamchyna, Petra Galu###kov#, Amir Kamran, Milo# Stanojevi'c, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2012. Selecting Data for English-to-Czech Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 374-381, Montr#al, Canada, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar, Bushra Jawaid, and Amir Kamran. 2012. Probes in a Taxonomy of Factored Phrase-Based Mo- dels. In Proceedings of the Seventh Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 253-260, Montr#al, Canada, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. Petra Galu###kov# and Ond#ej Bojar. 2012. Improving SMT by Using Parallel Data of a Closely Related Language. In Human Language Technologies - The Baltic Perspective - Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference Baltic HLT 2012, volume 247 of Frontiers in AI and Applications, pages 58-65, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October. IOS Press. Jan Berka, Ond#ej Bojar, Mark Fishel, Maja Popovi'c, and Daniel Zeman. 2012. Automatic MT Error Analysis: Hjerson Helping Addicter. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'12), pages 2158-2763, Istanbul, Turkey, May. ELRA, European Language Resources As- sociation. Jan Haji#, Eva Haji#ov#, Jarmila Panevov#, Petr Sgall, Ond#ej Bojar, Silvie Cinkov#, Eva Fu##kov#, Marie Mikulov#, Petr Pajas, Jan Popelka, Ji## Semeck#, Jana #indlerov#, Jan #t#p#nek, Josef Toman, Zde#ka Ure#ov#, and Zden#k #abokrtsk#. 2012. Announcing Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank 2.0. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'12), pages 3153-3160, Istanbul, Turkey, May. ELRA, European Language Resources Association. David Mare#ek, Rudolf Rosa, Petra Galu###kov#, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. Two-step translation with gram- matical post-processing. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 426-432, Edinburgh, Scotland, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. Jan Berka, Martin #ern#, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. Quiz-Based Evaluation of Machine Translation. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 95:77-86, March. Ond#ej H#lek, Rudolf Rosa, Ale# Tamchyna, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. Named Entities from Wikipedia for Machine Translation. In Mark#ta Lopatkov#, editor, ITAT 2011 Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, volume 788, pages 23-30, September. Ond#ej Bojar and Ale# Tamchyna. 2011. Improving Translation Model by Monolingual Data. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 330-336, Edinburgh, Scotland, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar, Petra Galu###kov#, and Miroslav T#novsk#. 2011. Evaluating Quality of Machine Translation from Czech to Slovak. In Mark#ta Lopatkov#, editor, Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pages 3-9, September. 2 #eslav Przywara and Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. eppex: Epochal Phrase Table Extraction for Statistical Machine Translation. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 96:89-98, October. Mark Fishel, Ond#ej Bojar, Daniel Zeman, and Jan Berka. 2011. Automatic Translation Error Analysis. In Text, Speech and Dialogue: 14th International Conference, TSD 2011, volume LNAI 3658. Springer Verlag, September. Matou# Mach##ek and Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. Approximating a Deep-Syntactic Metric for MT Evaluation and Tuning. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 92-98, Edinburgh, Scotland, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. Analyzing Error Types in English-Czech Machine Translation. Prague Bulletin of Mathe- matical Linguistics, 95:63-76, March. Daniel Zeman, Mark Fishel, Jan Berka, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. Addicter: What Is Wrong with My Translations? Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 96:79-88, October. Ond#ej Bojar, Milo# Ercegov#evi'c, Martin Popel, and Omar Zaidan. 2011. A Grain of Salt for the WMT Manual Evaluation. In Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 1-11, Edinburgh, Scotland, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar, Kamil Kos, and David Mare#ek. 2010. Tackling Sparse Data Issue in Machine Translation Evaluation. In Proceedings of the ACL 2010 Conference Short Papers, pages 86-91, Uppsala, Sweden, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar, Adam Li#ka, and Zden#k #abokrtsk#. 2010. Evaluating Utility of Data Sources in a Large Parallel Czech-English Corpus CzEng 0.9. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), pages 447-452, Valletta, Malta, May. ELRA, European Language Resources Association. Ond#ej Bojar, Pavel Stra##k, and Daniel Zeman. 2010. Data Issues in English-to-Hindi Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), pages 1771-1777, Valletta, Malta, May. ELRA, European Language Resources Association. Jana #indlerov# and Ond#ej Bojar. 2010. Building a Bilingual ValLex Using Treebank Token Alignment: First Observations. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), pages 304-309, Valletta, Malta, May. ELRA, European Language Resources Association. Ale# Tamchyna and Ond#ej Bojar. 2010. Bohat# anotace ve fr#zov#m strojov#m p#ekladu. In ITAT 2010 Informa#n# technol#gie - Aplik#cie a Te#ria, Zborn#k pr#spevkov prezentovan#ch na konferencii ITAT, pages 99-106, September. Ji## Divi# and Ond#ej Bojar. 2010. Automatic Source Code Reduction. In ITAT 2010 Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pages 9-16. PONT s. r. o., Se#a, Slovakia, September. Ond#ej Bojar and Kamil Kos. 2010. 2010 Failures in English-Czech Phrase-Based MT. In Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR, pages 60-66, Uppsala, Sweden, July. Association for Computational Linguistics. Hana Klempov#, Michal Nov#k, Peter Fabian, Jan Ehrenberger, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2009. Z#sk#v#n# paraleln#ch text# z webu. In ITAT 2009 Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, September. Jana #indlerov# and Ond#ej Bojar. 2009. Towards English-Czech Parallel Valency Lexicon via Treebank Exam- ples. In Proceedings of 8th Treebanks and Linguistic Theories Workshop (TLT), pages 185-195, Milano, Italy, December. David Kolovratn#k, Natalia Klyueva, and Ond#ej Bojar. 2009. Statistical Machine Translation between Related and Unrelated Languages. In ITAT 2009 Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, September. Kamil Kos and Ond#ej Bojar. 2009. Evaluation of Machine Translation Metrics for Czech as the Target Langu- age. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 92:135-147. Ond#ej Bojar, Pavel Stra##k, Daniel Zeman, Gaurav Jain, Michal Hru#eck#, Michal Richter, and Jan Haji#. 2009. English-Hindi Translation_Obtaining Mediocre Results with Bad Data and Fancy Models. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference On Natural Language Processing (ICON-2009), Hyderabad, India, December. NLP Association of India. Ond#ej Bojar, David Mare#ek, V#clav Nov#k, Martin Popel, Jan Pt##ek, Jan Rou#, and Zden#k #abokrtsk#. 2009. English-Czech MT in 2008. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Athens, Greece, March. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Odch#zel and Ond#ej Bojar. 2009. Computer Aided Translation Backed by Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the ASLIB International Conference Translating and the Computer 31, London, UK, November. Natalia Klyueva and Ond#ej Bojar. 2008. UMC 0.1: Czech-Russian-English Multilingual Corpus. In Proc. of International Conference Corpus Linguistics, pages 188-195, October. Ond#ej Bojar and Jan Haji#. 2008. Phrase-Based and Deep Syntactic English-to-Czech Statistical Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 143-146, Columbus, Ohio, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar, Pavel Stra##k, and Daniel Zeman. 2008. English-Hindi Translation in 21 Days. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference On Natural Language Processing (ICON-2008) NLP Tools Contest, Pune, 3 India, December. NLP Association of India. Ond#ej Bojar, Miroslav Jan##ek, Zden#k #abokrtsk#, Pavel #e#ka, and Peter Be#a. 2008. CzEng 0.7: Parallel Corpus with Community-Supplied Translations. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08), Marrakech, Morocco, May. ELRA. Ond#ej Bojar, Silvie Cinkov#, and Jan Pt##ek. 2007. Towards English-to-Czech MT via Tectogrammatical Layer. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT 2007), Bergen, Norway, December. Philipp Koehn, Hieu Hoang, Alexandra Birch, Chris Callison-Burch, Marcello Federico, Nicola Bertoldi, Brooke Cowan, Wade Shen, Christine Moran, Richard Zens, Chris Dyer, Ond#ej Bojar, Alexandra Constantin, and Evan Herbst. 2007. Moses: Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation. In ACL 2007, Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics Companion Volume Proceedings of the Demo and Poster Sessions, pages 177-180, Prague, Czech Republic, June. Association for Computational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar. 2007. English-to-Czech Factored Machine Translation. In Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 232-239, Prague, Czech Republic, June. Association for Compu- tational Linguistics. Ond#ej Bojar and Zden#k #abokrtsk#. 2006. CzEng: Czech-English Parallel Corpus, Release version 0.5. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 86:59-62. V#clava Bene#ov# and Ond#ej Bojar. 2006. Czech Verbs of Communication and the Extraction of their Frames. In Text, Speech and Dialogue: 9th International Conference, TSD 2006, volume LNAI 3658, pages 29-36. Springer Verlag, September. Ond#ej Bojar and Magdalena Prokopov#. 2006. Czech-English Word Alignment. In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2006), pages 1236-1239. ELRA, May. Ond#ej Bojar, Evgeny Matusov, and Hermann Ney. 2006. Czech-English Phrase-Based Machine Translation. In FinTAL 2006, volume LNAI 4139, pages 214-224, Turku, Finland, August. Springer. Ond#ej Bojar, Ji## Semeck#, and V#clava Bene#ov#. 2005. VALEVAL: Testing VALLEX Consistency and Expe- rimenting with Word-Frame Disambiguation. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 83:5-17. Mark#ta Lopatkov#, Ond#ej Bojar, Ji## Semeck#, V#clava Bene#ov#, and Zden#k #abokrtsk#. 2005. Valency Lexicon of Czech Verbs VALLEX: Recent Experiments with Frame Disambiguation. In V#clav Matou#ek, Pavel Mautner, and Tom## Pavelka, editors, Text, Speech and Dialogue: 8th International Conference, TSD 2005, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic, September 12-15, 2005. Proceedings, volume LNAI 3658, pages 99-106. Springer Verlag, September. Ond#ej Bojar, Cyril Brom, Milan Hlad#k, and Vojt#ch Toman. 2005. The Project ENTs: Towards Modelling Human-like Artificial Agents. In Peter Vojt##, M#ria Bielikov#, Bernadette Charron-Bost, and Ondrej S#kora, editors, SOFSEM 2005 Communications, pages 111-122. Society for Computer Science, January. Ond#ej Bojar, Petr Homola, and Vladislav Kubo#. 2005. Probl#my recyklov#n# syst#mu automatick#ho p#ekladu. In Peter Vojt##, editor, ITAT 2005 Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pages 335-344, Ko#ice, Slovakia, September. University of P. J. #afa##k. Ond#ej Bojar, Petr Homola, and Vladislav Kubo#. 2005. Problems Of Reusing An Existing MT System. In IJCNLP 2005 - Companion Volume to the Proceedings of Conference including Posters/Demos and Tutorial Abstracts, pages 181-186, October. Ond#ej Bojar and Jan Haji#. 2005. Extracting Translation Verb Frames. In Walther von Hahn, John Hutchins, and Christina Vertan, editors, Proceedings of Modern Approaches in Translation Technologies, workshop in conjunction with Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2005), pages 2-6. Bulgarian Academy of Sciencies, September. Ond#ej Bojar. 2005. Budov#n# #esko-anglick#ho slovn#ku pro strojov# p#eklad. In Peter Vojt##, editor, ITAT 2005 Information Technologies - Applications and Theory, pages 201-211, Ko#ice, Slovakia, September. University of P. J. #afa##k. Ond#ej Bojar, Petr Homola, and Vladislav Kubo#. 2005. An MT System Recycled. In Proceedings of MT Summit X, pages 380-387, September. Ond#ej Bojar. 2004. Problems of Inducing Large Coverage Constraint-Based Dependency Grammar for Czech. In Constraint Solving and Language Processing, CSLP 2004, volume LNAI 3438, pages 90-103, Roskilde University, September. Springer. Ond#ej Bojar. 2004. Czech Syntactic Analysis Constraint-Based, XDG: One Possible Start. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, 81:43-54. Ond#ej Bojar. 2004. Automated Extraction of Lexico-Syntactic Information. In Jana #afr#nkov#, editor, WDS'04 Proceedings of Contributed Papers: Part I - Mathematics and Computer Sciences, pages 211-217, Prague, June 15-18. Charles University, Matfyzpress. Ond#ej Bojar. 2003. Towards Automatic Extraction of Verb Frames. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguis- tics, 79-80:101-120. 4 Ond#ej Bojar. 2003. Building Subcorpora Suitable for Extraction of Lexico-Syntactic Information. In Procee- dings of the Student Session, ESSLLI, August. Ostatn# Ond#ej Bojar, Ale# Tamchyna, and Jan Berka. 2012. Wild Experimenting in Machine Translation. CLARA Winter School in Prague, January. Ond#ej Bojar. 2012. Strojov# p#eklad. Vesm#r, 91:488-490, September. Ond#ej Bojar, Mauro Cettolo, Silvie Cinkov#, Philipp Koehn, Miroslav T#novsk#, and Zden#k #abokrtsk#. 2012. Scientific Report on Rich Tree-Based SMT. Project EuromatrixPlus - Deliverable 1.4, #FAL, Charles Univer- sity, March. Ond#ej Bojar and Ale# Tamchyna. 2011. Forms Wanted: Training SMT on Monolingual Data. Abstract at Ma- chine Translation and Morphologically-Rich Languages. Research Workshop of the Israel Science Foundation University of Haifa, Israel, January. Petra Galu###kov# and Ond#ej Bojar. 2011. Czech-Slovak Parallel Corpora. In Proc. of Slovko 2011, October. Ond#ej Bojar, Chris Callison-Burch, Jan Haji#, and Philipp Koehn, editors. 2009. Prague Bulletin of Mathema- tical Linguistics - Special Issue on Open Source Machine Translation Tools. Number 91 in Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics. Charles University, January. Ond#ej Bojar and Miroslav T#novsk#. 2009. Evaluation of Tree Transfer System. Project Euromatrix - Delive- rable 3.4, #FAL, Charles University, March. Ond#ej Bojar and Adam Lopez. 2008. Tree-based Translation. Handout for MT Marathon Tutorial, May. Zden#k #abokrtsk# and Ond#ej Bojar. 2008. TectoMT, Developer's Guide. Technical Report TR-2008-39, Institute of Formal and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University in Prague, December. Ond#ej Bojar, Miroslav Jan##ek, and Miroslav T#novsk#. 2008. Implementation of Tree Transfer System. Project Euromatrix - Deliverable 3.3, #FAL, Charles University, September. Ond#ej Bojar and Magdalena Prokopov#. 2007. Czech-English Machine Translation Dictionary. Technical report, #FAL MFF UK, Prague, Czech Republic, April. Ond#ej Bojar. 2006. Strojov# p#eklad: zamy#len# nad ##elnost# hloubkov#ch jazykov#ch anal#z. In MIS 2006, pages 3-13, Josef#v D#l, Czech Republic, January. MATFYZPRESS. Philipp Koehn, Marcello Federico, Wade Shen, Nicola Bertoldi, Ond#ej Bojar, Chris Callison-Burch, Brooke Cowan, Chris Dyer, Hieu Hoang, Richard Zens, Alexandra Constantin, Christine Moran, and Evan Herbst. 2006. Open Source Toolkit for Statistical Machine Translation: Factored Translation Models and Confusion Network Decoding. Technical report, Johns Hopkins University, Center for Speech and Language Processing, August. Ond#ej Bojar, Ji## Semeck#, Shravan Vasishth, and Ivana Kruijff-Korbayov#. 2004. Processing noncanonical word order in Czech. In Proceedings of Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing, AMLaP 2004, pages 91-91, Universit# de Provence, September 16-18. Ond#ej Bojar, Cyril Brom, Milan Hlad#k, Mikul## Vejlupek, Vojt#ch Toman, and David Vo#ka. 2003. ENTI - Simul#tor p#irozen#ho prost#ed# lidsk#ho sv#ta. In MIS 2003, pages 3-14. MATFYZPRESS, January 18-25, 2003. Ond#ej Bojar. 2003. AX - Syst#m pro automatizovanou extrakci lexik#ln#-syntaktick#ch #daj#. In MIS 2003, pages 15-24. MATFYZPRESS, January 18-25. V Praze dne 13. #nora 2013, Ond#ej Bojar 5