About the project
Basic terms
Czech version
(By Jana Borovičková)
The database of students of the Prague University of Law between 1372 and 1419 was conceived generally for the purpose of the prosopographic processing of groups of individuals in the Medieval and Early Modern periods.[1]. The database works with a total of eight tables, represented by eight forms. The main table is relationally linked to another nine sub-tables, which contain thematically divided complementary records regarding the individual. The advantage of the sub-tables is that for every individual it is possible to enter multiple information of the same type, in a manner similar to adding inserts to a card index. These sub-tables are used everywhere that the repetition of similar facts is predicted. For each attendee there are separate records for university studies, academic titles awarded, other activity within the university and extra-mural activities as well as for activity in Holy (Monastic) Orders. A sub-table was also used for the record identifying the places of origin of the individual students at the Prague University of Laws.
At the beginning of every form are the fields JMÉNO and KÓD, for the name and code of each individual, respectively, to which the data in the form is linked. All of the tables contain a comparable field, POZNÁMKA (notes), intended for all complementary or broadening information. To preserve the outline of the data drawn directly from the juridical matricula, the field PRAMEN (source) was linked to several fields, showing the presence of data in original source material by a simple ANO (yes - data come directly from the source material) or NE (no - data do not appear in the juridical matricula). As a rule, every sub-table contains the auxiliary code field POŘADÍ (ordering), which enables the rapid selection of values from the table on the basis of a particular key. In tables relating to the residence of the individuals at university (study, career, titles), this field uses the following abbreviations to indicate the types of study or activity concerned:
P = Prague university
Z = Foreign university
1 = Faculty of arts
2 = University faculty of law
3 = Faculty of medicine
4 = Theological faculty
P1 thus indicates a Prague faculty of arts, Z4 the theological faculty of a foreign university, etc. In other tables the field POŘADÍ (ordering) has in the main a chronological importance, while the table for extra-mural activities is chronologically numbered with the types of activity indicated thus:
C = active in the Church hierarchy
S = active in the service of the nobility
M = active in town/city institutions
Z = active in the service of the sovereign (on royal or imperial service)
J = active in other ways
A practical entry convention is shown by the use of question marks for all uncertain or not readily verifiable data.
The main table PERSONS (OSOBY), contains basic biographic data on the matriculated, primarily such information as can be gleaned directly from the juridical matricula: the name (JMÉNO) of the inscribed person, the place of origin (MÍSTO PŮVODU) provided, the year of matriculation (ROK IMATRIKULACE) and its form (FORMA, i.e. the exact terms of the matriculation record) and the university nation (UNIVERZITNÍ NÁROD) to which they belonged. The field OZNAČENÍ (designation) holds all other details of the selected person from the matricula (e.g. the noble or academic titles given, benefices held etc., which may further server as possible indicators for determining the social status of the matriculated). The field PŮVODNÍ INDEX (original index) serves to record the number of the person in the running sequence of notes from the prepared re-edition of the juridical matricula. The INDEX POZNÁMKA (notes index) field indicates the existence of further indices in the running numbering sequence of persons in the matricula (if the person appears in the matricula in more than one place). Linked data include DATUM NAROZENÍ (date of birth) and DATUM ÚMRTÍ (date of death), POVOLÁNÍ OTCE (father's profession), and for the later period NOBILITACI (nobilitation - raising to the nobility) or changes in KONFESE (confession). The columns SOCIÁLNÍ PŮVOD (social origin) and NÁRODNOST (nationality) or linguistic affiliation - determined on the basis of the identification of the place or origin or the linguistic form of the name, are also interpretative. The last three fields contain an overview of citations from the relevant sources and the literature. The ALBUM field contains a reference to the original matricula, and the field EDICE (editions) a reference to a page in an edition. The field LITERATURA (literature) refers to the relevant secondary literature, in particular the Slovník předhusitské pražské univerzity Josefa Tříšky ('Josef Tříška Dictionary of the Pre-Hussite Prague University')[2].
The first sub-table NAMES (JMÉNA), enables textual variants of the individual's name as inscribed in the matricula to be entered, the Czech translation or other names used in the course of their carrier, or by which they may be found in the sources. By way of example, Adam, inscribed in 1379 as a "plebanus in Ostromet" appears after obtaining the title of doctor a decade later as "Adam de Nezetycz". Nicolaus Czygeler was inscribed into the matricula twice, first in 1388 as "Nicolaus Czygeler de Dresden", and subsequently in 1397 as "Nicolaus Czingeler de Misna". Registered variants of names contained within aliases or places of origin are also given in full. Textual variants of names are recorded in the horizon of Prague university sources in the editions of the Monumenta Historica Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae Pragensis.[3]
The complementary table UNIVERSITY STUDIES (UNIVERZITNÍ STUDIUM) preserves, to the extent of the accessible data, the academic peregrination of the student concerned, i.e. contains information on all of the studies of the student at European universities, including data regarding MÍSTO (place) of residence, FAKULTA (faculty attended), UNIVERZITNÍ NÁROD (university nation), residence in KOLEJI (colleges) etc. Where known, data are recorded on the matriculation TAXA (fee) paid, its level or where appropriate currency. The field MÍRA (extent) records the form of the matriculation record of fee paid, e.g. dedit (paid), dedit dimidiam (paid in half), promisit (payment promised), pauper (fee waived due to poverty), scammna nobilium (double fee paid, linked to the right to site on the front "noble" benches.
The sub-tables ACADEMIC TITLES (TITULY) gives notes on the academic degrees attained, the type of TITUL (title), the DATUM (date) and MÍSTO (place) that it was obtained, the FAKULTA (faculty) concerned, the date of the final examinations (ZKOUŠKY) and promotion (PROMOCE), the test questions (KVESTIE) answered, the fees paid for the examination and promotion, and the name of the examiner or promoter (sponsor). The field LOKACE (location) records the place of origin of the data regarding gaining a title (examinations, promotions) in the university matricula.
UNIVERSITY CAREER (UNIVERZITNÍ PŮSOBENÍ) offers an overview of any later teaching activity on the part of the student or functions within the university self-government. This gives the place (MÍSTO), faculty (FAKULTA) and university nation (UNIVERZITNÍ NÁROD) and the term of service in a particular role (OD from and DO to). Where known, details are given of residence in colleges, literary endeavour, surviving lectures and evidence of participation in debates (so far in simple yes/no form).
The sub-table ORIGIN (PŮVOD) summarises the results of the geographic identification of the place of origin of the student, i.e. the present place name (NÁZEV LOKALITY), state (STÁT) and district (OKRES), and the historic territory (HISTORICKÁ ZEMĚ) in which it lies. It has not been possible to precisely identify the place of origin in all cases, however. This means that several possible identifications with the name in Latin are possible, and that from the accessible sources it has not proved possible to either confirm or rule out any of these. In order to evaluate those locations that cannot be determined in a straightforward manner there is a field for PRAVDĚPODOBNOST (probability), which gives a percentage likelihood of the identification being correct. Depending on the success of the identification, the individual places are divided into several groups with differing degrees of likelihood of the identification being correct. Every identification of place of origin is accompanied by a likelihood type depending on the number of contemporary geographical identifications. Localities that can be identified in a straightforward manner as a single, unambiguous place are given a likelihood of 100%. Places or areas with a likelihood type of 90+10% have been identified with two or more localities, of which one is regarded as substantially more likely, albeit that the less likely alternative cannot be entirely ruled out. Typical examples of the latter instance are localities with the same name, of which one is an important town and the other a less significant village - in addition to Silesian Opole and Świdnica, for instance, Poland contains several villages of the same name, while similarly the Latin Brega may indicate either the town of Brzeg or the village now known as Brzeg Głogówski etc. It can however be presumed that the student who gives the generally Latin or Latinised name of their place of origin in the matricula comes from the larger and more important urban places.
EXTRA MURAL ACTIVITY (MIMOUNIVERZITNÍ PŮSOBENÍ) incorporates all of the non-university - i.e. ecclesiastical and secular - occupations of the student in a given profession (PROFESE), and the term for which they were active in such. The places (MÍSTA) of activity are identified similarly as the places of origin, with the aid of the present names classed according to state (STÁT), district (OKRES), and historic territory (HISTORICKÁ ZEMĚ). Unlike place of origin, however, only three different identifications of the place are possible. The fact that during the course of the activity identifiable literary works may have been created is recorded in yes/no form in the field LITERÁRNÍ ČINNOST (literary endeavour).
ACTIVITY IN HOLY ORDERS (ŘÁDOVÉ PŮSOBENÍ) is indicated by registration in a monastic order or known function within an order. The Order (ŘÁD) and specific monastic house (KLÁŠTER) are recorded, along with the dates of membership in the order, and function (FUNKCE) therein with dates. The field STUDIUM (study) shows the relative period of membership in an order spent in university study (před, po, během - before, after, during).
An important element in the system was the creation of key fields (i.e. fields that computer will permit to be filled only with a strictly limited range of values), and the related keys, which should above all prevent different means of database entry from being used by different users. In both the main and the subsidiary tables is a required code field, for which several optional values are available (for example, under the field for faculty, which appears immediately on several tables, the options are ART, JUR, MED and THEOL for faculties of arts, laws, medicine and theology respectively), or for which a key has been created. The options for filling a key field are generally based on logical abbreviations of the data concerned. The majority of keys take the form of tables containing the actual abbreviated code and its explanation. In creating the keys an emphasis was placed on clarity and the obviousness of the individual abbreviations - the first letters or roots of Latin terms were used. The abbreviations for states were taken from the norms established by the Czech Statistical Office.
Social origin (table PERSONS)
(table PERSONS)
Imatriculation formula
(table PERSONS)
Academic titles
Forms of fees payment (rate)
Teaching positions at universities
Functions and offices in university autonomy
Professions for "other career"
(table ORIGIN)
Monastic orders
Sources and Literature
AJ Album juristarum [4]
LD Liber decanorum (dean's book of Pragues Faculty of Arts)[5]
ŽS Josef, Tříška: Životopisný slovník předhusitské pražské univerzity ('Josef Tříška Dictionary of the Pre-Hussite Prague University')[6]
Abbreviations in the field "POŘADÍ (Ordering)"
P = Prague university
Z = Foreign university
1 = Faculty of arts
2 = University faculty of law
3 = Faculty of medicine
4 = Theological faculty
C = active in the Church hierarchy
S = active in the service of the nobility
M = active in town/city institutions
Z = active in the service of the sovereign (on royal or imperial service)
J = active in other ways
L latin form of name
C czech form of name
Abbreviations of faculties
ART Faculty of arts
JUR Faculty of law
MED Faculty of medicine
THEOL Theological faculty
Abbreviations of university nations
BOH Czech
BAV Bavarian
SAX Saxon
POL Polish
Abbreviations of confession
KAT Catholic
CLV Calvinist
LUT Lutheran
JBR Moravian
UTR Utrakvist
Abbreviations in the field "PRAMEN (Source)" and in some others
A yes
N no

Thus far the database of students of the Polish university nation has been made available for trial usage. The introductory page presents a list of the individuals inscribed in the matriculae of the Prague University of Laws among the students of the Polish university nation. The list is ordered chronologically by the date of the students entry into the matricula. More detailed information about individual students can be obtained by clicking on their names, thereby opening the form PERSONS (OSOBY). Options listed on the navigation bar enable other forms in the database to be viewed for the selected person, and it is possible to switch freely between these or return to searching the complete list.
The coded entries in the forms are depicted in the form of links. Clicking on a link brings up the required value. The general keys can also be searched from the options on a second navigation bar.
The database allows searched by the Latin forms of the names inscribed, or according to place of origin as shown in the matricula. (The "Search" option, on the left of the upper navigation bar).
1 The same database model was used also in prosopografic elaboration of teachers at particular schools in Bohemia before 1620. See NEŠKUDLA, Bořivoj: Učitelé partikulárních škol v kraji hradeckém a chrudimském v předbělohorském období. Praha 1998 (diplomová práce FF UK). ('Teachers at particular schools in Hradec Kralové and Chrudim districts before 1620 (master's degree thesis)')
2 TŘÍŠKA, Josef: Životopisný slovník předhusitské pražské univerzity 1348-1409. ('Josef Tříška Dictionary of the Pre-Hussite Prague University'). Prague 1981, 555 s.
3 Monumenta Historica Universitatis Carolo-Ferdinandeae Pragensis I/1-I/2, II/1-2, III. Prague 1830-1848, 452, 586, 444, 238 s. (further only MHUP).
4 MHUP II. Album seu Matricula facultatis juridicae Universitatis Pragensis ab anno Christi 1372 usque ad annum 1418. Prague 1834, s. 1-215
5 MHUP I/I-II. Liber decanorum facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Pragensis. Pragae 1830-1832, 452, 586 s. Facsimile edition: Liber decanorum facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Pragensis ab anno 1367 usque ad annum 1585. Prague 1983, 445 s.
6 TŘÍŠKA, Josef: Životopisný slovník předhusitské pražské univerzity 1348-1409.('Josef Tříška Dictionary of the Pre-Hussite Prague University'). Prague 1981, 555 s.